Isaiah 43:19: “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (NIV)

Have you ever felt a stirring deep within your soul, an insatiable hunger for something more? Perhaps you’ve yearned for a deeper connection with God, a breakthrough in your faith, a touch of God’s favor, or an outpouring of supernatural power and glory. Today, my dear friends, I’m going to be giving you strategies to initiate all of these things! Lets journey to explore the profound insights and practical steps that enable us to go beyond the limits of our current spiritual experience. So fasten your seatbelts and prepare to soar to new heights as we unlock the boundless treasures awaiting us.

Breaking Free from Stagnation:

In order to break free from stagnation you have to learn how to pause and reflect on the seasons in your life when progress seemed elusive, when you found yourself trapped in repetitive patterns that hindered your growth. It’s time to release yourself from the bondage of past traumas, wounds, and disappointments. The only way to do this is through the power of forgiveness and intentional healing. Only when you learn to forgive others and also forgive yourself can you can sever the chains that hold you back and step into a season of divine restoration and supernatural breakthrough. As we open ourselves up to receive God’s transformative grace, we create space for the miraculous to manifest in our lives.

Embracing the Present Season:

As we break free from stagnation, we find ourselves in a new season—a season of opportunity, growth, and divine alignment. It requires a willingness to let go of familiar ways of operating and embrace God’s fresh strategies for our lives. Stepping out of our comfort zones may seem daunting, but remember, God is our faithful guide, leading us into uncharted territories and blessing us abundantly. Let us lean into this present season with eager anticipation, knowing that God’s plans for us are far greater than anything we could imagine.

The Role of the Holy Spirit:

In this sacred journey of going beyond, we must recognize the pivotal role of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is not only our helper but also our source of power, wisdom, and supernatural abilities. Surrendering to the leading of the Holy Spirit enables us to walk in an elevated level of faith, favor, power, and glory. You must cultivate a deep relationship with the Holy Spirit, rely on His guidance, and open your heart to His transformative work within you. By His presence, you can access the fullness of our God-given potential.

Turning the Page:

As we progress on this path of spiritual expansion, we encounter a crucial moment: the opportunity to turn the page in our lives. It requires courage and resilience to leave behind what no longer serves us or aligns with God’s purpose but it must be done. By letting go of the old chapter, we create space for God’s blessings to manifest fully. It’s a declaration of faith that our future holds greater things, and with each step, we move closer to the abundant life God has prepared for us. So, let us bid farewell to the old and welcome the new with hearts filled with hope and expectation.

Dear friends, today we have embarked on a journey of going beyond—beyond stagnation, beyond limitations, and beyond our current spiritual experience. As we break free, embrace the present season, rely on the Holy Spirit, and turn the page in our lives, we position ourselves to unlock new levels of faith, favor, power, and glory. Remember, this is just the beginning of an extraordinary adventure filled with divine encounters and destiny moments. So, fasten your seatbelts, for the best is yet to come.

Make sure to tune into the latest episode of “Destiny Moments” as we continue to explore strategies for Next Level Living.


Have you read my latest book, Next-Level Spiritual Warfare: Advanced Strategies for Defeating the Enemy?