Although it may not accomplish a thing, I need to move on and boast about supernatural visions and revelations of the Lord. Someone I’m acquainted with, who is in union with Christ, was swept away fourteen years ago in an ecstatic experience. He was taken into the third heaven, but I’m not sure if he was in his body or out of his body—only God knows. And I know that this man (again, I’m not sure if he was still in his body or taken out of his body—God knows) was caught up in an ecstatic experience and brought into paradise, where he overheard many wondrous and inexpressible secrets that were so sacred that no mortal is permitted to repeat them.

2 Corinthians 12:1-4 Passion

You and I were created for relationship with God and each other. Our relationship with God gives us access to supernatural, prophetic realms. The prophetic realm is connected to the unseen realm of heaven. This is the realm beyond our natural senses of sight, touch, taste, smell and hearing. It is a realm which is spiritually discerned. This is the realm in which Adam and Eve walked with God. Although Adam and Eve lived in a natural, earthly garden, their senses were tuned to the spiritual realm: “And they heard the voice of God walking in the garden in the cool of the day” (Genesis 2:8).  Adam and Eve heard the voice of God. They fellowshipped with God in the “cool of the day.” Their spiritual ears and senses were tuned to the spiritual realm and it gave them the capacity to hear God walking in the garden. They could perceive His presence. Then something terrible and tragic happened. After they had sinned in the garden, Adam and Eve’s senses were tuned to the natural realm. For the first time they had become aware of themselves. They experienced something they had never experienced before; self-focus. This is how they were able to recognize their nakedness. Since they had been clothed in God’s glory, they had been previously unaware of it. Now that they knew they were naked they began to feel vulnerable, as if they were on their own. Gaining self-focus instilled fear and destroyed trust. Adam and Eve were no longer at peace.

But God did not abandon them or their descendants there. God came walking in the “cool of the day” as He had done before. God expressed His loving heart toward Adam and Eve as He provided clothing for them to cover their nakedness. As God spoke to Adam and Eve about future events, they were touching the prophetic realm, albeit from a different position. This is the realm Apostle Paul experienced, when he spoke of being swept away and taken into the third heaven. When we touch prophetic realms, we touch the supernatural. The prophetic realm allows us to access revelatory insights and information that we might not otherwise know. The source of this information is God. Another source of information comes from the demonic realm where Satan operates. This is where psychics and occult powers keep their domain. Because it is the realm of lies, it is a source of information forbidden to believers.

The natural realm is host to the created order. Everything we see is part of this realm and everything in it will sooner or later be gone. Only the supernatural realm endures forever. Heaven is part of the supernatural realm, as are angels. The kingdom of darkness is also part of the supernatural realm. There are moments in time where we can see both supernatural kingdoms operating in the earthly realm. We often overlook the supernatural realm, as we tend to limit our thinking only to the natural realm. The supernatural realm opens up the prophetic realm, where we can perceive details about our future or issues that are on God’s heart. Perhaps we think that only prophets can operate in this realm. Actually, God calls all believers to touch prophetic realms. We access this realm by faith. God is longing for deeper communication with his people. It’s time to engage heaven in such a way that you experience daily downloads from God’s heart through the prophetic realm.

Touching prophetic realms gives us access to the mysteries of heaven. This was the realm Apostle Paul experienced when he heard mysteries of heaven that were not lawful for him to repeat. As a believer, you also have access to these realms. Too many believers have no idea how to touch prophetic realms or how to engage heaven in such way that they gain insights into the heart and intents of God.

Here’s how to engage:

  • Remember that God still speaks. Just as God communed with Adam and Eve during the cool of the day, God delights to commune with you during your prayer time.
  • Purpose to spend time waiting for God to speak to you. Not only will God speak to you during your prayer time, you can experience His voice all throughout the day and night. This is how we receive words of warning or instructions. God’s voice is heard in our “spirit man.” Once you become accustomed to hearing the voice of the Lord, you will develop the practice of waiting and listening for His voice.
  • You can also hear God’s voice through dreams and visions. Pay attention to your dreams during times of sleep. Not all dreams are prophetic, but some are (See my article entitled The Importance of Dreams).
  • Personal prayer is one way, and worship is another. Worship opens up the supernatural realm. Having worship music and spending time in worship is important to “preparing the atmosphere” so that we can hear. How often have you engaged in prayer only to notice that your mind has been everywhere except in the place of prayer? Worship helps us bring our minds to a place of stillness in the prayer room so that we are receptive to the voice of the Lord. Like Adam and Eve, in the stillness, we can “walk with God in the cool of the day.” God longs for us to join Him there.

Remember, God wants you to touch prophetic realms and access information from His heart. If you are to be successful in carrying out the mandate of the Lord for your life, you must cultivate the habit of touching the prophetic realm. Let faith arise in your heart to engage with heaven in a new way. Let’s start listening for His voice!


Dr. Venner Alston is the author of Next Level Spiritual Warfare: Advance Strategies for Defeating the Enemy. To purchase your copy or to learn more about VJ Alston Ministries, contact


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